Monsanto describes itself as “A Modern Agriculture Company”. From their own website description at the top of their products page, they tell us…. ” Agriculture relies on our most precious resource: the earth. The products and tools we bring to market give consideration to environmental implications, because we have only one planet and it needs protection. Our obligations extend not just to farmers, but to consumers and ecosystems around the world. ”

Monsanto Roundup is a herbicide used to control weeds & grass that has been tied to cancer, specifically Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. 18,000 plaintiffs are suing Monsanto alleging not only that the company’s glyphosate-based herbicides cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma and that the company knew about the risks but rather than warning users instead acted to suppress and manipulate scientific research.

Monsanto Roundup Litigation

The Monstanto Roundup lawsuit updates:

Previous Monsanto Roundup lawsuits were all victorious for the plaintiffs:

References and News

According to newly discovered documents, Monsanto has been running a “fusion center” to observe journalists and activists and damage their reputations. The fusion center also focused on a reporter who wrote a critical book on the company and the harm its product is causing. Singer-songwriter Neil Young was also investigated by Monsanto; the agrochemical corporation wrote an internal memo on his music and his actions on social media.

Monsanto’s cover up attempts

The documents revealed Monsanto’s multifaceted plan to target a Reuters journalist, Carey Gillam, who investigated Monsanto’s infamous weedkiller, Roundup, and the product’s relations to cancer.

Monsanto – owned by Bayer – also used their “intelligence fusion center” to track the movements of a not-for-profit food research organization. “Intelligence fusion center” is a term used by agencies such as the FBI in association with surveillance and terrorism operations.

The revealed documents – primarily from 2015 to 2017 – were divulged as part of continuous court proceedings focusing on the health risks caused by Roundup.